Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Aloha "Kainoa" & Other News

So the word Aloha has two meanings, used as both hello and goodbye. In this case it's goodbye because Kainoa now has new owners! The other day I received a phone call from a couple that left Iowa, packed all of their things, and came down here to the keys. They came and looked at the boat and the next night they called and asked if they could move on,,,, THAT NIGHT. This was exactly one week ago and they have been living on Kainoa ever since. We have moved "Thin Line" back to the private mooring and are once again, one boat owners. We wish Eric and Sharon the best with their new adventure and are excited and sad to see Kainoa go. She was a good boat, good home, and the countless hours of hard work, blood, sweat and tears, make her sale bitter sweet. 

I started a new job last week and am excited to be working right here at the City Marina. There are several benefits to working here in the harbor, one of which is the commute ;-) I run the pumpout boat and work Tues, Wed, Thur, I also do maintenance around the marina. Today I was out on the water for over 4 hours running the boat in 20kt winds and had a blast. It's challenging and already with my second week behind me I can tell my boat handling skills have improved substantially. Pulling up along side a boat that is swinging around on a mooring or anchor in gusting wind without hitting it OR the plethora of attachments such as solar panels, dinghies, grills etc, isn't easy, but it sure is a lot of fun! It is also a great way to meet everyone in the harbor and get to know people I wouldn't get to know otherwise. Another recent development is my responsibility to the Boot Key Harbor Cruisers Net. Everyday on VHF channel 68 at 9am we have the cruisers net, this is a great way for the 300+ boats and crew to know what is going on in the area. There are announcements, a buy/sell/trade, comments/questions/needing help section and a little trivia. These nets are controlled by the net controller that keeps things in order and basically hosts the show. I am now the Sunday net controller and am having a blast putting my own spin on the radio. Hosting the net and working here have really plugged us into the community and we are finding ourselves waving to people we absolutely do not know, that call us by name. 

Colby and Peyton are doing quite well, school is going great and the harbor is full of kids. This is by far the most kids we have seen since we began cruising and best of all they are all boat kids. Boat kids in general are almost all great kids, they are polite, smart, full of ingenuity and imagination. Instead of rotting away with their faces pressed against a screen mashing buttons on an Xbox, they play the way kids used to play. They have mangrove forts, pretend to be pirates and from the little ones to the teenagers, they all get along and play together. There is a family in the harbor with a girl Colby's age and two twin boys Peytons age, they live on a boat a rocks throw away from us. I've yet to let the cat out of the bag till now, but Colby has a girlfriend. Shannon and Colby have been dating now for almost 2 months and the entire harbor is ewwing and awing at young love. (and watching them like a hawk!) Colby went on his first official date a couple weeks ago where he took her to Burdines for dinner, Jessica was working that night so it was chaperoned. Colby always goes up to her father Dean and asks his permission first, they think the world of Colby and we love Shannon as well.  They have also done dinner and a movie, most recently to see the new Hunger Games. It's amazing watching my son grow up so fast and right before my eyes, I am so fortunate I get to spend everyday with my children and never miss the most important moments.

Colby took Shannon on a sail date in our friend Steve Halls trinka and though I'm sure it was embarrassing, I had to get the camera out!

We are so blessed to have the life we are living. So many things have gone our way and always just worked out. For the past few years I've ignored fear and just leapt without asking questions and with total faith that everything would work out. If it feels like something I should be doing I don't make any excuses. No excuses, no regrets, and no worries, can't think of a better way to live my life. 

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