Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The OFFICIAL First Sail of S/V Windsong

The first time we took Windsong out it was for about an hour of motoring and raising the sails but not really doing any sailing.. Well yesterday March 13th 2012 that all changed. At 9am with winds around 9 knots gusting to 15 Ty Thurman and I left the dock. We motored out and let the old Yanmar 2QM20 stretch her legs around 2,200 RPM then 2,600 RPM which put us around 5.3 knots into the wind.

Then it was time to raise the sails, cut the engine and finally let her sail.. Ty took the helm while I ran around the deck and readied the lines, facing into the wind I raised the main sail and Ty fell off to port.
She took on a life of her own, you could tell she was doing what she was meant to do, ride the breeze.

The next 5 hours were spent sailing, well the boat was sailing I spent most of the time just enjoying the 80 degree March day only occasionally touching the helm, while she pointed into the wind the best flying close hauled and perfectly balanced. I had heard E32's were known for their weather helm, Windsong is tuned perfectly because she didn't fall off nor steer into the wind.

At one point we had a windshift while the sails were sheeted in tight sailing close hauled and it put us on almost a full beam. Windsong heeled hard and put the rail right down to the waterline, then held her ground. When the wind would get strong she would lean, fall into a pocket and really cruise. I got more sun than a person should get and I'm a little sore today, but at the end of the day I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride as well as the sunburn.

Docking went better than the first time and we someone on the dock to throw a line to only took 2 approaches. She slid into the dock and came to a rest. First sail a success! Now for all the work that needs to be done before she goes out again, I'm thinking it will be at least mid to late April.

Back at the dock I hand scrubbed her from bow to stern with a good boat soap and scrub brush getting off all the grime and buildup. I couldn't have asked for a better day..

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