Monday, April 29, 2013

Off The Ball, On The Wall

Well we made the jump a couple days early and moved from the city mooring field to Sombrero Resort yesterday evening. We are now firmly secured and tied up to a dock and it feels a little strange. Maybe I'm weird but actually enjoy being out in the mooring field and the community I already miss. 

This will be a really good opportunity for me to get some work done on the boat and get some bugs straightened out with our battery bank. When we re-enter the mooring field we will be in much better shape then we were before. The last update I listed the projects I'm hoping to get completed and I'm going to do everything I can to make it happen. The problem is I'm in a time crunch between getting things done and having the money to do them before we move back out to the ball. 

The biggest reason for moving to the dock is actually for my Grandparents. They are coming to visit mid May and there is no way they would have gotten to see our boat if we were still on the mooring ball. Getting in the dinghy and climbing onto the boat at 85+ years old isn't happening. As much as I hate to think about it, this could be one of the only trips they make down here and I'd like them to see the boat and our life, not just from shore. Depending on the weather I"m hoping to actually take them out in the boat and maybe for an afternoon sail. 

It's strange being hooked up to power and water, we are so used to heavy conservation. I'm really hoping the kids don't get used to having unlimited resources and forget what it's like to pay attention to use of power, water and limiting trash. It's easy to fall back into a life of just turning something on without thinking about what it's using or to just let the water run while rinsing dishes. I think it's a good thing for the kids to realize things aren't endless and that resources are limited and come from somewhere, just as I think it's good for them to understand where their food really comes from. *SPOILER ALERT* It's not from the grocery store!

On that note, the week down here looks like a wet one and currently it is a mediocre downpour in Marathon. Even though it storms in paradise, it sure beats the hell out of a "normal" life ;-)

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