Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hello, Goodbye, Hey There!

First off I'm guilty.. I am guilty of being lazy and neglecting the blog for a couple weeks. No excuse really, just busy with work etc, mostly just lazy. I'll try not to let it happen again. 

So Ty, Sarah and Debbie have been gone a little over a week and we had a great time having them here. Ty & Sarah are already like family to us and it felt really good having them around. The day after they arrived a strong cold front moved in and the temps dropped pretty drastically pushing lows down into the upper 50's. (For the Keys that's like Arctic) We still had a great week and we spent time checking out the sites, visiting Key West and then the last few days got in a good day sail and a couple days at the beach.

This was the first time taking the boat out since our no start issue and I couldn't wait to try out the repair  as well as raise the sails and let her stretch her legs a bit. We left out of Boot Key Harbor via Sisters Creek headed for Sombrero Reef with the wind and waves behind us. The wind was blowing 20+ but it was supposed to calm later in the day and the dive boats on channel 11 were reporting 2 to 3 foot swells and 25+ visibility. Not the best day for a dive, but a great day for a sail. The sail was a bit like being in a washing machine while it's on the agitate cycle. When we got to Sombrero it was a little rougher then expected and the decision was made to just keep sailing and work our way back. We had no issues and enjoyed our trip back without a hitch.
Their last day they enjoyed the normal weather for around here and we made sure to get a hefty dose of vitamin D with temps in the 80's.

Not long after we waived goodbye to Ty, Sarah and Debbie I was at the dinghy dock talking with a friend when I saw a family dinghy up and tie off. I couldn't help in my excitement but yell "Ethan!" He had grown but was instantly recognizable as I saw Nick and Stacy hop off the dink and look up. Now to those of you following the blog from the beginning, we introduced Nick, Stacy and Ethan over a year ago back in Nashville.

In my blog post titled "New Friends, New Found Jealousy" I talked about meeting them and having them on our boat Windsong before they left to do what we were only planning. They had sold everything including their house and bought a boat, prepared and were leaving to go sail. We met them around a month before their departure and enjoyed hearing about how they were actually doing it. They inspired us and left us thinking "wow I wish we could get there sooner, how can we do it?" Since they sailed off into the sunset to places we only dreamed of going we have followed the blog A year ago they sat on our boat as we marveled at what they were doing and here we are moored out in the same harbor in the Florida Keys!

Tonight we got together for snacks, drinks and another amazing Boot Key sunset, with Nick blowing the conch shell to signal the end of another day. Another chapter has begun and the torch is passed on here in Boot Key as they prepare to leave and head back to Nashville. They head back salty and full of amazing stories, pictures and memories, as we prepare to make some of the same journeys and sail the same waters as they did. We shared drinks, stories and they gave us some valuable tips all while the kids swung out over the water from a shock cord tied to the halyard.

It's amazing watching dreams unfold, looking back at what such a short time ago seemed so far away. All it really takes is that first step. Take it, you don't even need to put on your shoes ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah buddy! Glad to hear things are going well. Played "The Light" for my Mom yesterday who is visiting from NY. She liked it, ha ha. She's 80. Blessings friend!
