Monday, December 31, 2012

Band-Aids, for me and the engine..

Well this morning I got up at 8am and made myself some coffe and got to work. I grabbed my copy of a book by Peter Compton titled "Troubleshooting Diesel Engines" and stuck my nose in it. 

I began to troubleshoot the engine and for the first 4 to 5 hours I had no luck at all. I'd try one thing thinking I had it figured out only to be skunked again by the sound of the Iron Genny turning over and over again but not starting. At one point I got her to fire up and ran the engine for about 45 minutes before it stalled and I was back to square one. 

I'm pretty sure the people on the other moorings were wondering what the heck was going on over here, with all the French words weaving a tapestry of obscenities in the air.  This evening I spoke to the owner of a beautiful cat boat moored behind us and apologized, only to be stopped mid sentence by his wife and given an apology for his tirade while he worked to fix the toilet that exploded on his boat. Ahh the life of living on a boat, even though sometimes "shitty" it's still better than being teathered to land, a mortgage, property taxes and stuck with neighbors you might not like. 
So without further delay, here is the video I promised! 

It comes with high blood pressure, busted knuckles, cuts, scrapes, bumps on the head and a whole lot of sweat. I've put band-aids on me and a temporary band-aid on the boat, but it should get us to Marathon where I can deal with the issue of my main fuel cell. (the source of the whole problem)

Ft Lauderdale has been an experience to say the least! The city marina is right next to the Las Olas drawbridge and the operators are hilarious to listen too. They will scream at people every time it opens and sometimes get extremely nasty with people walking. I actually heard a bridge operator tell a pedestrian "hurry the hell up and quit dragging your ass" Now keep in mind this is over a huge PA system. It's gotten to the point where we hear it's about to open and we go on deck to listen to what transpires. 

As a matter of fact Ft Lauderdale hasn't been very friendly at all, the drivers, people in general, everybody seems to have a lot of pent up anger. Today while Colby and I hailed a taxi one of those guys that thinks he is Lance Armstrong decided to try and squeeze between and then got mad at the driver, screaming obscenities and then tore his side mirror off. The driver said sorry and drove away after him. I've heard more horns honked in this city or at least just as many as any other I've ever been in. 
Ft Lauderdale is also not very yacht friendly, with very few anchorages or moorings. The police are a constant harassment to boaters and they just want you to move on, so thankfully tomorrow, hopefully tomorrow, we will. Next stop Miami,,,,,,,,again.. 


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