Wednesday, May 29, 2013

New News, It's Almost Official.


Today was quite productive and I got a lot of loose ends tied up as well as ran a bunch of errands in the rain. The paperwork for US Coast Guard Documentation has been mailed off and the order for new lettering placed. (name change ceremony date will be posted soon) The lettering is being done by a local shop and placement of that, along with the USCG paperwork will mean this boat is officially renamed. This name was picked out before the boat was even bought and I'm excited to see it come to fruition. The boat name is currently Madison LynScot, and I can't quite explain how much I dislike that name. It just doesn't fit and It's been a pain in the butt every time we have gotten on the radio. I'm also  sick of people asking me if I'm Scott! Soon she will take on her new name and a new chapter with us.. 
I spent a decent portion of my childhood growing up in Hawaii (military brat) and have always felt a connection with the culture there. Even though I'm Haole as hell I still feel it had a great impact on me. 

Nashville, TN

Meaning : Kainoa is The Sea, with no restrictions, of the sea or the free flowing ocean; the name. 
Origin: Hawaiian 

When we bought this boat in Indiantown and had just pulled out on the river to make our way to the keys we turned on Pandora radio and this song came on the radio. It was one of those moments where your hair stands up on the back of your neck and you can't believe what you are hearing/seeing. Here we just bought a boat and had planned on naming it Kainoa and as we pull out of the slip and start the trip this song (I had never heard btw) comes on the radio as if to say "you are doing the right thing". The chances of those things all lining up are astronomical, beyond numbers and yet there it was coming eerily out of the speakers. Jessica and I just smiled as I held the wheel and steered the course. 
So I'm hoping in a couple weeks we will have an official date and will take plenty of pictures of the event.

Other Projects  

I've worked out a deal with a friend and will be installing dinghy davits on the back of the boat. These will help out in more ways than one. It will give us a way to store our dinghy out of the water, as well as become real estate for solar panels. I'm hoping once the weather clears we can get to work putting them in and then getting the panel installed. 

New battery bank will be ordered right before moving back to the mooring ball and a new inverter will be wired to the entire boats 110 outlets providing power to all while away from a dock. This with the new bank will make life a lot easier. 

Cleaning the current fuel tank, polishing the fuel, removing an old water heater and then replacing it with a day tank. I plan on using the 60 gallon tank more for storage than to run off of, and will put in a small 15 gallon tank fed by the large one to run the engine. Multiple filters will help make sure I don't end up dead in the water, should I need my engine. Other than that odds and ends are being done daily. 

The weather has been less than stellar the past week and it looks like rain for the immediate future. There are also a few things I'm keeping an eye on out there that might develop into something interesting for us. A hurricane off the coast of Mexico could easily track into the Gulf and then reform/build and there is a low pressure system off the coast of Africa I'm watching. Funny enough, most of our major storms develop from low pressure systems that come off the western coastline of Africa. We are a little nervous but know we have friends that are veterans at riding out the season here. 


  1. Some project pics would be great and help all of us to follow along.

  2. A big fan hear. Following since last year. It is so nice to see you follow your dream. Just remember....... no matter how hard it gets or how ridiculous your idea idea seems at times. You are the you decide whether it makes sense or not.
